Kids across the province teamed up to read for over a million minutes this summer.
That includes many in the South Shore.
A celebration was held at local libraries Saturday to mark the accomplishment.
Deputy Chief Librarian with South Shore Public Libraries, Jeff Mercer, says it was part of a larger project.
“We wanted that goal because everyone loves that big, giant fancy number to aim for and then we’re also encouraging children in the regions to do activities; fun, little adventures like going to the park or visiting a museum with your family or going to the beach.”
The million minutes target was reached around August 16.
Other regional libraries involved were Annapolis Valley, Colchester-East Hants, Pictou-Antigonish and Cape Breton.
Mercer says it is encouraging to see.
“Summer can be a time where in between school years kids might backslide a bit, not through any fault of their own but they’re not reading as much as they normally would during the school year, they’re losing a little bit and then are slightly less prepared for their next grade.”
Mercer says he’s proud of the kids who participated and says its a major accomplishment they should be proud of.