Today CKBW is celebrating the Class of 2020 from Liverpool Regional High School. As these graduates close the high school chapter of their life and move on to bigger things we want to congratulate you on a job well done.
Please join us in celebrating this list of determined individuals as we wish them all the best in their future endeavors.
Liverpool Regional High School
Olivia Acrey
Isabella Alfonso
Tayler Allison
Trent Amirault
Mitchell Anthony
Brittany Belding
Madi Bowers
Chloee Burgess
P.J. Byard
Elisa Carraro
Beck Collins
Sarah Collins
Ben Conrad
Amelia Cook
Talla Corkum
Briana Dagley
Moumtadi Yara Delgado
Deniz Engin
Cass Evans
Seth Foley
Brandon Foster
Malcolm Freeman
Ashton Gallant
Emma Gillis
Matthew Goulden
Brady Hanley
Mitchell Ingram
Bailey Johnson-Whynot
Jada Keddy
Elijah Lange
Shelby Laplante
Zach LaRocque
Grace Leaman
Jon Legge
Feng Liu
Colin Long
Nathaniel Lowe
Jacob MacKinnon
Ethan MacLeod
Allan Mann
Carter Mann
Tyler Mansfield
Wesley Martin
Lara McArthur
Wyatt Motter
Emma Moulton
Olivia Nowe
Brandon Oickle
Dawson Oickle
Nmesoma Onuorah
Heaven Pike
Jordan Porozov
Amanda Ribeiro Pacheco
Katie Robinson
Brooklin Roy-Keans
Ethan Sperry
Chelsey Thistle
Emma Thistle
Laura Vasquez Rodriquez
Bailey Whynot
Bradley Whynot
Sam Whynot
Rogan Winchester
Queens County Celebrates Liverpool Regional High School’s 2020 Graduating Class!
Unfortunately due to the current pandemic this year’s graduation looks a lot different than it ever has in the history of this school. Here is the message for the SSRCE regarding the official graduation of the Class of 2020:
We are pleased to be able to celebrate our 2020 grads and their accomplishments this month. Due to the current worldwide pandemic, our school activities, events and ceremonies have changed to ensure we reflect the best advice and guidance of our Public Health officials.
As the school year comes to a close, it remains very important to us that we find alternative ways to highlight the hard work and accomplishments of the graduating class of 2020. Although we cannot celebrate in a group setting due to public health protocols, our schools have developed unique ways to recognize our grads. These are not meant to replace graduation ceremonies, but instead, offer a form of recognition while we stay within the parameters of the Celebrating Graduation Guidelines as developed by the Department of Education with Public Health.
Conditions under the exemption include:
· attendees must arrive in a vehicle
· all passengers in the vehicle must be from a single household or household bubble
· graduates can be out of their vehicle to do things like cross a stage or take part in a parade of graduates as long as physical distance (two metres or six feet) is maintained between all graduates while they are out of their vehicle
· organizers must communicate clearly with attendees in advance and ensure other public health protocols, like physical distancing, are followed.
A full list of the conditions and protocols under this exemption can be found at https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/community-celebration-graduates .
We have five high schools in our region who will be celebrating the same way, with pre-booked appointments for an individual ceremony. There will be a photographer onsite to capture the moment that the grad crosses the stage and receives their diploma. Also, a video will be prepared and sent to families afterwards.
We hope the families, friends and community members of our graduates will join us in celebrating in unique and creative ways that help maintain public health protocols and keep one another safe.