After a successful first iteration of the program, the Nova Scotia Health Authority announced they would be offering six more subsidized seats in Dalhousie University’s Masters of Nursing (Nurse Practioner) program.
The Nurse Practitioner Education Incentive covers the salaries of nurses while they seek further education that can improve the quality of care offered in remote communities.
“Supporting more registered nurses to become nurse practitioners will fill a growing workforce need and improve Nova Scotians’ access to primary care,” said Health and Wellness Minister Randy Delorey. “There are registered nurses who took part in the first round of this incentive program who are now nurse practitioners working in smaller, underserved communities.”
In exchange for participating in the program, the nurses must agree to a one-year commitment after they are done their education in one of the designated areas selected by the NSHA.
The locations have been selected based on need and this round of nurses will be used in Caledonia, Inverness, Truro, Shelburne, Pugwash and Guysborough.
Janet Hazelton, president, Nova Scotia Nurses’ Union praised the program saying, “Today’s announcement is great news, especially for rural Nova Scotia as these new nurse practitioners are committed to working there. It’s also in line with our 2019 Nursing Potential report which recommended government continue to invest in nurses so that underserviced areas receive the care they deserve. Educating more nurses in the nurse practitioner program gets us closer to achieving NSNU’s goal of having a 500-strong nurse practitioner network across all sectors of care, based on our projected needs, by 2028.”
Applications are now being accepted and the NSHA says interested persons should speak with their hospital administrators for more information.