Ryan Adams / CC
I’m guessing that most of us own more than one hammer. And after my blog the other day about not decluttering I had to take a hard look at my hammer “collection”.
It has grown to several dozen hammers. Sledge hammers, Claw Hammers, Ball Pein Hammers, rubber and wooden mallets, upholstery hammers, club hammers, sprig hammers for picture framing. Honestly, a few years ago I had no idea there were so many different hammers.
At one time I owned just one hammer – a trusty claw hammer for hammering in nails and removing nails.
I know where it started. Years ago I was at the Canada Day Yard Sale at the Bridgewater Memorial Arena at closing time and this seller had a large wooden box of hammers and only wanted five bucks for the lot.
I have to say there is something so satisfying about having the right hammer for the right job. Even when that right job may only come up once a decade.
At least I don’t have a jack hammer.
How many hammers do you own? I bet you have more than one. Please have more than one. Otherwise I might be as crazy as a “bag of hammers”