I’ve never quite been able to figure it out. I have rogue flowers. Both snowdrops and crocuses, but mostly snowdrops. Each year, they appear in the middle of the lawn for no apparent reason. They bloom, then disappear. Okay… mostly they tend to disappear because they get mowed, but they do disappear. But they come back.
The thing that confuses me is that these are plants that generally grow from bulbs. I did not plant any bulbs in random spots on my lawn, yet there they are. I guess maybe they can also grow from seeds? Maybe they just blew there and have gotten comfortable being a rogue flower. Just bringing random happiness by their very existence.
Maybe someone many years ago dropped a bulb and it somehow managed to work its way into the soil. Maybe its a root from far away that just grew across the lawn to pop up and some random point.
According to a couple gardening websites, snowdrops don’t grow well from seed. And they don’t do the rhizome or root thing. The mostly grow from bulbs or offsets from bulbs, which are just bulbs that grew off the other bulbs. So how do they get out of the garden and into the middle of the lawn?
They also don’t seem to have legs, so they probably didn’t move there on their own. They are not known to be pest friendly, so it is highly unlikely a passing squirrel picked it up for a snack and moved it. Most animals will just leave them alone. So how do they get where they don’t belong.
I have three or four of these rogue flowers. My mother has a small patch of them on her lawn. I like to see them in the spring. They are usually one of the first things to bloom, so they area sign of spring in many ways.
I just have no idea where they came from.