The Municipality of Barrington has changed its Emergency Water Assitance Plan. In the past five years, the municipality has seen very dry conditions and according to CAO Chris Frotten explained the need for a change.
“With extremely dry weather in the last five years, this is no longer an emergency. It is more of a new normal that we must all prepare accordingly for, ” Frotten said.
Previously when homeowners in the municipality saw wells dry up they would be able to visit local fire halls that would provide them with potable water.
According to the municipality, that model has become unsustainable due to droughts now being more frequent and prolonged. They say as the program relies on volunteers it has become difficult to operate with the frequency required to meet the municipalities’ needs.
Effective immediately the Emergency Water Assitance Plan will be operating at two sites. Non-potable water will be offered RV station on Sherose Island and shower use will be offered at the Sandy Wickens Memorial Arena.
The Municipality recognizes that they are reducing the amount of assistance they are offering but they in extreme circumstances you can contact the Municipal EMO office who will help find a solution to water shortage issues.
According to Frotten the issue of wells running dry is one being addressed by the council. They currently have a program in place that allows residents to receive funding to upgrade their wells.
“The program hasn’t been utilized much yet, but in the cases, I’ve heard about the residents haven’t been running into the same water issues.”