Brian Muldoon is the Green Party candidate running in the riding of Queens. Photo: Nova Scotia Green Party.
Green Party candidate Brian Muldoon is running in the newly named riding of Queens.
Muldoon, who is now retired, previously owned a business which helped seniors stay in their homes.
He said he wants to raise awareness about the harmful effects of open pen fish farms on the environment and costal communities.
Muldoon said he started a group called ‘Protect Liverpool Bay’ 3 years ago.
“We have an excellent following,” said Muldoon. “The majority of people in Queens County do not want open pen fish farms here and the Green Party is the only party that states that they will remove them.”
He says the Green Party would automatically put a moratorium on fish farm applications and then begin work to take the pens out of the water.
Muldoon also explained that the health care crisis is one of the biggest issues being faced by his constituents.
“We don’t have family doctors, I don’t have a family doctor and it should be a right that we have access to a family doctor.” said Muldoon. “It’s a broken system.”
He explained that the Green Party would speak to all types of health care professionals to figure out how to resolve the current issues.
Muldoon added that he also sees the housing situation as a problem in the community and believes that the province needs strong rent control and more co-op housing.
He says the Green Party would work with co-ops, towns, and areas across the province and invest in proper housing and communities.
Muldoon is running against the Liberal’s Susan Mcleod, PC Kim Masland and NDP candidate Mary Dahr in the riding of Queens