I haven’t tried to wear a watch on my wrist in decades. The last few years I’ve wanted to get an Apple watch or a Smart watch because I love gadgets. But I know better.
You see, my grandfather and my father couldn’t wear watches – not mechanical or battery powered. They would just stop working after a few days.
Jewellers and watch-makers after World War II were very familiar with the problem. They would suggest the wearer tape a penny under the watch.
Some people are called SLIders. It stands for street light interrupters. When they would walk by street lights they would flicker. It’s a well studied phenomenon.
I haven’t had that happen to me but I learned my lesson with watches.
I once received a gift of a very expensive watch and it died after a few days. Sent it away, they fixed it and the same thing happened again within days.
All watches I’ve tried to wear have stopped working after just a few days.
So, just like my father and grandfather, I have a box of broken watches.
Thank goodness for smartphones!