Seven Nova Scotian seafood companies are sharpening their competitive edge by certifying under the Nova Scotia Seafood Quality Program, with more encouraged to sign up.
Certified companies with high-quality products will be more competitive by meeting or exceeding the highest globally recognized standards around seafood quality, sustainability and traceability.
“By strengthening their quality standards, companies can provide sustainability, quality, food safety, and healthy options that influence buying decisions in the global market,” said Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister Steve Craig. “Certification raises the profile of Nova Scotian seafood companies and their products in a market that is fast-changing and competitive.”
The Nova Scotia Seafood Quality Program promotes high quality standards within the seafood supply chain and aims to enhance Nova Scotia seafood’s reputation for premium quality.
Certified companies are recognized as Nova Scotia Seafood Ambassadors and receive many promotional benefits. Certified companies gain access to the Nova Scotia seafood brand marketing materials and trademarked logo for use in their own marketing, become recommended suppliers on the Province’s seafood marketing website and can be included in strategic marketing promotions throughout the year.
The seven companies that have received certification so far are:
— North Bay Fisherman’s Cooperative
— NovaCan Live Seafood
— Premium Seafoods Group
— Lobsters R Us
— Bill & Stanley Oyster Company
— Live Stor Sydney – Live Seafood Storage System
— Fisherman’s Premium Atlantic Lobster.