Yesterday we talked about homemade pizzas brought on by my nostalgia for one of those Kraft Pizza in a box kits that we had on the weekend.
One commenter on Facebook made an interesting point – Glenn Towe said, ” I do remember those kits, when I was a kid, and back then, they were fantastic, but memory is a fickle thing, today, I probably wouldn’t think so!”
He’s probably right. Though I really enjoyed the Kraft Pizza.
It got me thinking about other things I haven’t had since I was a kid. Mum would make something in the electric frying pan she called Spanish Rice. I think it was just hamburger, Minute Rice and tomatoes or maybe just ketchup all fried up.
At my grandparents’ farm it was always the homemade bread made on the woodstove that we’d have with some kind of stew. I don’t know if I loved the stew or was it just the fresh bread that went with it?
Dad was in the Navy and would come back from overseas with all kinds of crazy things to cook. Saturday mornings he would stink up the house with smoked kippers for breakfast.
He also introduced my brother and I to hot, spicy Indian food that Mom wouldn’t touch. That’s probably the only one that I still have on a regular basis.
I haven’t had stew, Spanish rice or smoked kippers since I was a kid.
What meals did you love as a kid and have not had in years?