Queens County Food Bank in Liverpool, NS. Photo: Submitted Photo.
The Queens County Food Bank will be getting a new walk-in freezer in the New Year thanks to a major grant from Loblaws Canada.
To help Queens Country Food Bank provide those in need with a greater variety of nutritious foods, including perishables, Loblaws has provided the funding for a grant totaling $45,905, through Food Banks Canada to the Queens County Food Bank.
Queens Food Bank Chair Shelly Panczyk says not only will the new freezer increase their storage it will also make things easier on volunteers, “It’s something we’ve wanted for a while, having a walk-in makes it easier for us to do inventory and it also just makes getting things in and out a lot easier than before,” Panczyk said.
The freezer is now on order, and the Food Bank hopes to have it installed and operational early in the New Year.
In recent months, the local food bank’s client numbers have increased, and the number of people accessing the food bank is expected to rise even more in the months ahead.
The new walk-in freezer can allow the food bank to increase its frozen food supply by 25 per cent every week – through food distribution from Feed Nova Scotia as well as donations from local stores. Until now, store donations could not be accepted because of limited space.