The Town of Mahone Bay has lowered the town speed limit to 40 kilometers per hour in an effort to reduce speeding in the community.
Prior to the change most streets in town had a limit of 50 kilometers per hour.
The change impacts all streets in town, with the exception of the town’s two main roads which are Edgewater Street and Main Street which will both maintain their 50 kilometers per hour limit.
Mayor David Devenne says the town would have liked to also lower the speed limits of both Edgewater and Main however as they are part of the provincial highway system it was the province’s decision to make and they would not allow it.
“We’ve tried speed bumps, and then we tried speed humps but motorists still haven’t gotten the message to slow down hence why we are lowering the limits,” said Mayor Devenne.
Signage indicating the change was installed on Monday, however, Mayor Devenne says during the first few weeks with the new limits they are going to focus on education more than enforcement. He also says once the grace period has ended there will be clear communication from the town indicating the switch from education to enforcement of the new limits.