This week at the Region of the Municipality of Queens Council Meeting a proposal to sell South Shore Regional Airport to the Nova Scotia Drag Race Society (NSDRS) will be heard.
Currently, the airport is owned by the Municipality and operated by the South Shore Flying Club. The Municipality spends around $2,500 each year maintaining the facility, however, the services it offers are limited as it is unmanned, and has limited fuel and snow-plowing capabilities.
In the council documents available ahead of the meeting they indicate the NSDRS is aware of the ongoing usage by the local flying club and intends to allow them to continue their operations similar to how it does now.
South Shore Regional Airport has one paved runway, which is 3,933 feet long and 75 feet wide.
On Thursday, November 8, the NSDRS will present it’s takeover plan which will include a basic idea of how they intend to use the facility and what impact it may have on the local community.
Earlier this year the Municipality had entered a purchase agreement with another individual, for a sale price of r $565,000, but ultimately that deal fell through.
At this time it is unknown what the sale price to NSDRS society would be if approved by the council.
Should the council approve the sale the plan to do so will then need to presented to the public, where they will have an opportunity to offer their feedback.