Pastor Bobby Sullivan was dissappointed to discover on Tuesday morning that someone had driven recklessly on the Impact Church lawn, leaving large ruts behind.
“We’re a small church and myself and many of our members have taken a lot of pride in cleaning up the 9-acre property we have, moving dirt, seeding grass and just making it much nicer after lots of hard work this was disappointing to see.
The Impact Church located just outside of Bridgewater on Highway 325, is a common place for large vehicles and trucks to turn around according to Sullivan who says it has a large driveway that makes it easy to do so. He has no problem with people doing this, despite the fact that it sometimes leaves gravel in the grass or causes other small issues. “I’m not worried about that- people can turn around here and that’s fine but this appeared to be more intentional,”.
Sullivan can’t say for certain when the damage would have occurred but he says he was at the Church for Sunday service and there was no damage at that time meaning it must have taken place between Sunday evening and Tuesday morning.
Initially Sullivan thought the tracks may have belonged to an ATV, although after hearing from experts on the subject he now believes it was either a small truck or side-by-side.
Following the incident Sullivan appealed to the community for help finding some boulders that could be used to limit access to the grass, and as of Thursday someone had stepped up and delivered some.
The church is now looking into fixing the damage to the grass, Sullivan expects he will likely be the one to do so but would welcome any extra hands that may be willing to assist.
The RCMP were notified about the incident, and anyone with information on the incident is asked to call them.