Source: St. Margaret’s Bay Marine Search and Rescue
Following Cabinet on Thursday provincial Fisheries Minister Steve Craig said the lobster industry in Barrington is on high alert due to the ongoing wildfires in Shelburne County.
Barrington is home to a significant part of the province’s lobster industry; with hundreds of boats and multiple fish processing facilities, including a concentration of seven located on Cape Sable Island.
“We are watching very closely what the fire does,” Craig said. ” A slight change in wind can determine the life and livelihoods of an entire organization and their people.”
During Post-tropical storm Fiona, Craig says lobster fishermen were scurrying to find ways to get their boats out of the water but now in a situation, he never thought he would experience he says they are now scrambling to get back into the water where they will be safe from the wildfires.
“It is extremely serious, and the ramifications of this could be serious not only for today but years to come,”.
Power outage concerns
Much of the area is already dealing with power outages including some of the lobster processing facilities in the area.
Minister Craig explained that while many of the facilities have backup generators to keep their storage tanks flowing, they rely on fuel which is beginning to run out and has become difficult to restock with fuel trucks limited in their ability to access the area.
“Obviously you do not want to send a fuel truck through an active fire area, so if things get worse and trucks aren’t able to get through at some point the inevitable will happen,”.
Staffing is also an issue with many employees of the lobster industry in the area being forced to evacuate, leaving the facilities shorthanded to deal with the power outage.
Extinguishing Fires and saving lives remains the provinces’ top priority
Although Craig emphasized the importance of the lobster industry he still commended DNRR and Minister Tory Rushton’s handling of emergency resources, noting he understands the provinces need to focus on the fires and the people directly in harm’s way before worrying about potential damages to the lobster industry.
Craig says he will be speaking with federal Fisheries Minister Joyce Murray for further help later Thursday afternoon.