I happened to come across a video online that finally explains those electronic speed signs. You know the ones. They show you how fast you are going as you drive past. Which usually makes you check your speedometer and compare it to the sign just to see how close your speedometer actually is.
At least that’s what I do.
I’m not sure how accurate the signs are. I usually seem to be within a couple of kilometers per hour of what the electronic sign is telling me. So I know my speedometer is at least close.
The purpose of the signs is really to make you check your speed and slow down if you are going to fast. It’s to give you an idea of how fast you are really going and maybe remind you that you should be slowing down a bit. At least I think that’s the thought behind them.
Although checking the accuracy of your speedometer is always a plus in my mind.
But I saw this video where people were not using them to check the speed of their vehicles. They were using the signs to check their own speed.
These people were having a little competition to see who could run the fastest, and they would each take a turn to run full out at the sign and see what speed they could come up with. Maybe not exactly what the sign was intended for, but it sounds like fun idea.
I have no idea how fast I can run these days. I’m not even sure how fast I could run when I was much younger and in much better shape. But now I want to know.
So if you see one of those signs that tells you how fast you’re going in your car, only some guy is running at it as fast as he can, it could be me. Sure, maybe I can get an app to tell me how fast I’m moving, but this just seems like more fun.