alexroz / Depositphotos.com
One thing I will say about the weather over the past few days, it did get me to finally drag out the window fan once again. I never realized how much I missed it.
There are those who keep fans, or something, running all year round. Just for the hum, that white noise, that they produce. One of my grandchildren has a thing that makes wave sounds that he uses to help him get to sleep. Honestly, it kind of freaks me out. I keep looking for the tsunami that’s about to hit, since I can hear water lapping at the house. But I’m usually not one that needs the sound to put me to sleep.
Although I have to say, it was comforting to have the fan humming away. It’s somehow restful. And it drowns out other noises. Like that bird that keeps sitting in the bush right outside the bedroom window, happily welcoming the dawn at 4:00 AM. There have been a few days when I have considered grabbing the chain saw and doing away with the bush, but I figure the neighbours would be far less happy about a chain saw at 4:00 AM then a little chirping bird.
And the fan also seemed to drown out that mosquito. The one that had somehow followed me indoors, in spite of me being careful to try to not let any of them get indoors. I can’t say for sure the mosquito wanted to bite me. She seemed far happier to just hover about six inches from my ear. Far enough that it wasn’t easy to grab, but close enough so I could hear the buzzing. I think the mission was more to disturb my sleep, rather than to suck my blood.
But the window fan took my mind off the mosquito and the bird and any other sounds that might disturb my sleep and just left me with that comforting hum. And a cool breeze, which was almost as important. Except we won’t always need that cool breeze part for the coming few days.
However, for the next few weeks, I look forward to the fan singing it’s lullaby.