My dog, as they say, crossed the Rainbow Bridge yesterday. Yes, it’s sad, but we had many good years together and she was a great companion. I was really hoping she would hang around for at least a few more weeks so we could spend some time together. Seeing as how I’m retiring tomorrow. More on that later.
But the thing is, I’ve had dogs on and off for many years now. I know the deal. Time is limited. Our lifespan is much longer than theirs, and things like this happen. But now I need a new friend.
Sophia came from S.H.A.I.D. She was my second rescue. The first my sister in law found in a box on the sidewalk outside her home. This one was actually in a shelter. It will be hard to replace her, and I know each animal has a very di9fferent personality. Sophie had one quality I really liked. On our many walks through the woods, she would actually stop and come back when I told her to. Extremely handy when we came across the occasional porcupine. Unlike the one before her and the multiple trips to the vet due to her not coming when called.
But there are a lot of different dogs out there. I’ve had a small dog. She was lots of fun. I’ve had a couple larger dogs, and they can be fun too.
So I’m looking for a new friend. Someone who enjoys long walks in the woods, sitting in a boat fishing and laying on the deck. Maybe not really high energy, but a dog that keeps me on the move a bit might not be a bad idea.
Any suggestions?