Evans Syndrome is something very few have heard of, it’s a rare disorder that destroys blood causing serious health risks that can be fatal. It is estimated that there is one case amongst every 80,000 people in the world.
Maty Ann Conrad of New Germany was diagnosed with Evans Syndrome last year.
She quickly realized there was little to no support for the disease in Canada, leading her to create a YouTube video calling out her concerns.
In the video she explains the high-cost Evans Syndrome comes with.
“All of the drugs have to be bought in the US. There are no resources to deal with it in Canada, there is no option if you decide you want to fight it and are poor.”
One of the recent costs in her treatment is a pump that is essential for treatment, the cost is estimated at $29,000.
Seeing the struggle of a member of their community Jessica Croft and Katie Brown started a GoFundMe page with a goal of $20,000.
Recently they have surpassed the $20,000 mark with donations coming from over 600 people.
Conrad has said in her videos that this was not something she did personally but rather she wanted to raise awareness for others.
You can find more info and donate to support Conrad through the GoFundMe page.