Christmas is a time for traditions, most of which we learned as kids.
For example, I’ve never had ham at Christmas. That’s an Easter thing. But my wife prefers ham.
I like pumpkin pie, and, if I could get my hands on some mincemeat pie I’d go for that, too. I’m the only one here who likes those pies. The birds and squirrels in the backyard get a treat.
Christmas candy – barley toys, ribbon candy all set out in a nice festive tray. My wife Karen reminds me that we end up with a melted together modern art sculpture that is added to the composter.
When I see a decorated tree with just one colour of lights, usually white, I want to ask “Who’s the colourblind person here?”
Putting the Christmas tree up should occur the weekend before or the week of Christmas. Others feel December 1st is the appropriate date.
Taking the Christmas tree down. Personally, I believe noon on Boxing Day. That’s never going to happen.
What Christmas “discussions” have you been pulled into? And did your traditions “win”?