In some ways, it’s a sad time of year. After months of carefully preparing simple syrup and keeping feeders cleaned and filled, it is getting close to the time of year when the hummingbirds head south.
There are no hard and fast dates to this. They show up when they please and go south when they feel like it. While it seems weather may have something to do with it, it is likely more to do with availability of food. And it is sort of an ongoing process.
They aren’t like geese or ducks, forming large flocks and flying in organized formations. These little birds do it on their own. Whenever they feel the time has come, they head south in the fall. The males seem to take off first, probably to stake out new territory in their winter areas. The females tend to follow later.
I put up two feeders for most of the summer this year. Last week I took one down, since it hadn’t been used much. I refilled the other and left it out, and was seeing a few birds still around. So I may do the same this week, just to make sure those who are hanging in can get a quick drink before heading south.
But it’s too bad there isn’t an actual indicator of when they are coming and going. I know a note isn’t really likely to happen, although if you ever read the Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy series, even the dolphins left a note thanking us for the fish when they left earth. Couldn’t the hummingbirds do something similar? Or maybe we could put out a light switch. Last one to leave turns it off. Then we would know.
But I really don’t mind continuing to guess. Pretty soon they’ll all be gone. But I know we’ll see them again around May.