Earlier this month the Bridgewater Fire Department (BFD) responded to a petrochemical leak on the LaHave River that coincided with heavy rainfall.
BFD Cheif Michael Nauss said they were able to determine the leak was coming from a pipe near the old bridge and at the time it was attributed to storm surges.
They then contained the spill and continued to monitor it as the rain continued to fall.
BFD handed the investigation over to the town’s engineering department who were tasked with finding the source of the leak.
Audrey Buchanan is the Environmental Services Manager for the department and she says their investigation found no leaks that would have resulted in petrochemicals leaching into the LaHave.
The town’s engineering team does not believe rainfall was what caused the leak so they do not anticipate it to occur again with this week’s heavy rain.
Still suspecting something is awry they have since handed the case to the Department of the Environment.
Their investigation is now underway though no findings have been released at this time.